
Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a list of Common Questions & Answers asked by our Customers. If you do NOT find the answer you’re looking for, please contact us!

What Size Tent do I need?

Our general rule of thumb is 10 sq ft per person. 

Are your Inflatables Insured?


My Sales Representative is Unavailable. Can someone else help me?

Sure. Although we encourage you to speak with your Sales Representative, if for whatever reason they are unavailable you can speak to anyone else. Please call the main number & someone will assist you. 

What size Dance Floor will I need for an Event with around 200 people?

General Rule of Thumb = 3 sq ft of dance floor per 1 dancing guest.

2/3 of the part can be dancing at any one time. 

For 200 guests that would translate to 132 guests dancing at any one time. 

132 guests x 3 sq ft per guest = 396 sq ft, which would equate to a 20×20 floor.

The closest floor to that would be 21’x21′ which is 49 sections.

I'm having a party for 250 people. How much space will I need?

Dinner parties require approximately 20 sq ft per person.

You would need a space that is approximately 50ft wide x 100 ft long

Obviously these dimensions will change depending on the size of your tables, if you want to add a dance floor, etc..

Note : A cocktail party typically requires about 1/2 the space.

How many glasses will I need for a Cocktail Party?

A good estimation is approximately 1 glass per person per hour. 

Are stereos provided with your chafers, samovars, & proofing cabinets?

No, you must order sternos seperately.

If I am having a buffet dinner, how many plates should I order?

To allow for seconds, you should generally order 1.25 plates per guest.

This may change if you are serving multiple main courses.

If I am using small plates & creating "stations" for my buffet, how many plates should I order?

A good estimation is approximately 5 plates per person. Other factors to consider that may increase or decrease your order size are: 

– How many stations are serving at the same time?

– How long is the event? 

– Will guests come & go or will they remain in the same area for the entire event?

TGIF Event Services has someone on call 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week for Emergencies Only. 

If you need to make changes or additions to an order, please wait until hte next business day when possible.


If an event is in progress & you need to speak with someone immediately, call the following number:  (631) 445 – 6373